Friday, July 18, 2008

Blogging Experience

My blogging experience I thing it was very different from the rest, since I came to the class almost a month late, I had to caught up with a lot of posts.

So in a way, I had to write and learn everything very quickly. It was hard I’m not gonna lie, but I think this was very helpful in terms of spelling.

I’m very used to listen people talk in English (I watch a LOT of television, series and movies spoken in English) and I can understand what they’re saying without much trouble, but writing! uff It’s much harder for me to understand, sometimes I even have to read out loud so that I can hear my self saying the words and then I’ll get it.

So in that area it’s been useful.

What I didn’t liked it’s that even though it tries to be interactive, I didn’t feel like I was sharing anything with anybody, in every post added by me, I checked the other member’s too but there was no discussing in the comments of anything. And the other classmates didn’t know who I was and did not know (some of them) how to include me in there blogs so that was kind of lame.

One of the cool things about this is that you got to write about things that you’re interested in, it’s easier to talk about my favorite book or website, I had a lot of things to say and it wasn’t boring writing it, that’s a thing that it shouldn’t change because al least you could say your opinion on subjects and it makes you thing, for example the one where you had to post your favorite designer, I realized that I didn’t have one!! How weird is that, jaj so I don’t know I discover something new about my self that I didn’t knew.

Monday, July 14, 2008


This building looks a lot like the one that I posted on my favorite building, I love the way it’s related to nature, how it takes the elements of nature to produce energy, the building uses sun and wind power to satisfy all its energetic needs! I think that’s amazing, people are really involved and committed to protect our environment, and creations like this one are a proof of it.

One of the things that got me concern is that every floor moves in a different speed and direction, but for the people inside each floor (the ones that work or live there) must me very difficult to get used to work and live in a constantly moving apartment, how do you sleep al night? They don’t get dizzy? Maybe they won’t I don’t know. I’ve been in a restaurant in Stgo, called “El Giratorio”. This restaurant moves all the time in a circle (even though it moves very slowly) it’s still weird to make a couple of laps while you’re eating. Imagine when you’re sleeping!

I think this building it’s a huge breakthrough and a challenge for engineers, how would it behave in an earthquake? How would it behave in the middle of a tornado? Imagine the energy that would provide jajaj

We will see how it turns out, in the mean time we are left with a great idea and project, a new way to look and create using our environment in our advantage without over exploiting it.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


My favorite book is Harry Potter. It was written by J.k Rowling. The history of this book it’s very unusual because the girl who wrote it, was poor and had 2 kids and no husband. She wrote the first issue of Harry Potter (the philosopher’s stone) in some lame restaurant, just waiting for her chance, waiting for her book to be published.

Once it did, she became instantly millionaire, now she has published 6 issues! And I have read 6 and a half.

I like it because it has everything; magic, romance, action, surprises. The book it’s about a kid who’s always been an outcast, and one day discovers that he belongs to a whole new, secret world, a magic world and starts to experiment with this new people and environment.

The thing that I like the most it’s the surprise element, I mean lead characters die in the book!! I’ve been crying and reading at the same time, it’s exiting to never know what’s going to happened.

It’s been really hard for me to write this post, I’ve been doing some research and asking all my classmates wich is there favorite designer but I still can’t find mine.

I think it’s because I really don’t have a favorite industrial designer I have favorite designs, I’m not as interested in one designer to know everything about him or her, I’m more interested in the objects and pieces that those designers have done.

I love the concept of design, the different styles; I love to create and to admire what’s been created. There are a million designers out there that are worth a line or two in this post. Most of them don’t come from Chile; everybody knows that the masters of design come from Europe. It’s over there where is more developed, where is more important (maybe not more important but certainly more appreciated).

One of the few things that have got my attention it’s that all the firsts’ industrial designers ever were architects. And I think that that’s one of the mane reasons that architects think that they can do our job better than us.

So, according to what I already explain, I’m going to show you one of my favorite designer’s pieces.

This is a great chair made by Vernet Paton, it was design for a company (Vitra). The great thing about this chair is that it broke a lot of boundaries, it dare a new concept of fabrication, because it’s made in only one piece.

It’s material is plastic with glass fiber and the mane characteristic (besides been fabricated in one piece) is that it’s very light.

Always a great design it's the one that breaks the limit.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Favorite Building!

My favorite building it´s called Turning Torso, it a huge residencial building of over 190mts high.

I´ts located in Malmö, Sweden.

One of the things that I love about it is it’s shape, suppostly based on a human torso (like it’s name), the structure it’s turned like a spring, every floor has a different angle so it looks like it’s been rotated in 90 degrees.

It was made by Satiango Calatrava, a spanish architect on august 27 of 2005, it took 4 years to build (a really long time).

The style it´s totaly modern, and it´s made out of steel, glass and concrete, it has 9 turning cubes along a central structure.

I think it´s brilliant the way they capture nature in the proyect, that´s what makes it look so organic, even though it’s a heavy and hard structure. You can see the builing from many different angles and it’s never the same, a truely wok or art


I though the website was really useful, it’s just a little complicated because the FrontPage it’s filled with links and you get a little confused, but once you get used to it, you can see that there’s a lot of cool stuff to do that can help you do learn English.

One of the links that I logged in was the Watch and listen link, I liked it there where some difficult parts but nothing to complicated.

It’s kind of weird, that in the BBC website there’s a place were you can learn, the BBC to me it’s a very serious and British proud website, so it’s good that they are trying to help us jajaj learning another language it’s no a simple task.

Another good thing it’s that there’s different topics to work on, so you learn but also entertained yourself because it’s about things that you are interested in.

My Fave Website!

My favorite website, it’s facebook, that’s right, I don’t learn anything from it, but I think that reading (for example) and the things that you do in your free time are suppose to be fun.

So this website has all the fun that I want, I get to play games (and compete, the thing that I like the most) I can upload pics and check out the ones that my friends had upload, or posted. I’ve kept in touch with classmates from high school I mean, it’s a great tool to maintain relationships (the friendly ones).

When I’m happy I can post about it, I can write songs and a bunch of stuff.

I don’t know if it’s that important to my life, because you get used to stuff and when you don’t have them…well you get used to that too.

But it’s real fun, and you get to be a kid again for a while….jaja until you log in again.